For the empowerment of society to fight sex-trafficking.
Expert Speakers
Stopping Traffic has a nationwide network of exceptional, dynamic and inspiring speakers, trainers, survivors, and expert community leaders to educate your community.
Community film screenings
Using the Stopping Traffic films to educate local communities about perils of sex-trafficking.
College/University Tools
Education of students and professors by adding the Stopping Traffic films to curriculum, the university’s library, hosting a screening, and implementing an anti-trafficking campaign.
Global Educational Trips
National and international trips around the world to understand and learn about the global crisis of human trafficking.
The Stopping Traffic Podcast
The Stopping Traffic aims to cover all dimensions of sex trafficking with special guests such as survivors, activists, community leaders, experts, filmmakers, and more!
Stopping Traffic Books
The first ever made book for kids by kids to educate children raising issues such as sexual harassment, sexting, trafficking, cyber bullying, pornography, and more.
Educational Resources
Downloadable content to create unique and creative awareness community campaigns.
Expert Speakers
Stopping Traffic has a nationwide network of exceptional, dynamic and inspiring speakers comprised of survivors, expert community activists, and shelter directors who can speak to and train your organization, workplace, place of worship, school, hospital, law enforcement sector and community on sex trafficking. Topics include but are not limited to:
- Human Trafficking 101
- Trafficking Prevention
- Survivor Testimony
- Medical Training
- Dangers of Pornography
- Hospitality
- Law Enforcement
- Shelter Consulting
- Task Force, Summits, Conferences, Private Events
Would you like to request a speaker for your event? Click here.
Film Screenings
Become a movement leader for Stopping Traffic. Host a screening of one of our documentaries to inform & impact your community, prevent & reduce global sex-trafficking, and help change societal norms & thinking that permit sex-trafficking to exist. Community film screenings can be for small to large audiences and if available, the director, producers, or cast members can introduce the film or be a part of the Q&A panel.
Request to host a film screening.
College/University Tools
Educating college students and youth about sex trafficking is one of the top priorities of Stopping Traffic. By screening the film on campus, college and university students will learn what sex trafficking is, how to identify it, how to prevent it and how to protect themselves. When college students are educated about sex trafficking and hear the personal testimonies of survivors, they will think twice about visiting strip clubs, watching pornography, and when traveling get loured into commercial sex tourism, all of which are tenets (right word?) of sex trafficking. For students studying the fields of social work, counseling, nursing, medical, legal, etc. learning about sex trafficking may inspire them to focus on it as a specialty.
Teachers, Students, Librarians: Click here to add our film to your college/university library
To host a college screening at your college/university click here.
Educational Trips
One of the best ways to learn is through an immersive experience. During our educational trips around the world, you will visit different countries, experience the culture, discover what human trafficking is like there (every region or country you go to will be different, meet and spend time with survivors and shelter directors, volunteer your time and skills, and possibly be part of a documentary project we are working on at that time.
The goal of the trip is to raise awareness about sex trafficking, help survivors, engage and educate activists, and to share ideas, best practices, and information with the non-profit organizations.
Our 2021 fall trip explores human trafficking in South America including a visit to Mexico, Brazil, Peru and Argentina.
Request more information here.
ST Podcast
Join the Stopping Traffic team as we discuss all dimensions of sex trafficking with special guests: survivors, activists, community leaders, experts, filmmakers and those who don’t usually have an opportunity to share their voice/experience on the topic. Though by nature sex trafficking is an extremely dark topic, our goal is to inspire you to continue to be educated, positive and take action.
The podcast is hosted by co-founders Sadhvi Siddhali Shree & Sadhvi Anubhuti.
To be a sponsor or featured as a guest, email
Listen on all popular podcast platforms or click below to listen now.
ST Books
The ST Kids Against Trafficking book is a comic book created by kids for kids to teach them about online safety, protecting their bodies from unwanted touch, recognize and prevent human trafficking, pornography, see something say something, sexting, online gaming, cyberbullying, online relationships, empowerment and self-worth. Through storytelling by kids, it will be easier for parents and kids to discuss difficult topics, although necessary, in order to protect themselves and others. It helps start the uncomfortable yet important conversation. Pre-order your copy here.
Educational Resources
Join the ST #EverySoulCounts campaign!
Since 2017, people from all over the world have participated in raising awareness about sex trafficking by taking a selfie with the Stopping Traffic sign by writing their own personal messages as to why they want to raise awareness … because #everysoulcounts. Click here to download your free #everysoulcounts selfie poster.
Raise awareness in your school, college, or university through our ST #iHuman campaign. Click here to learn more about it.
Join us on social media to continue the conversation. Feel free to interact on all platforms by sharing, reacting, and commenting.
We are waiting for you!